You are accessing the Finnish PHR server BaseR4.
This server is hosted elsewhere on the internet but is being accessed
using the HAPI client implementation.
Sandboxes are not production servers. Storing personal health data or
other confidential information about real people is strictly
forbidden. The social security numbers you use in the authorization
code flow should follow the format of the Finnish social security
number and should be of the 900-series. Please note that all data stored
in the sandbox is public. Also, it is possible to find out all the social
security numbers used in the environment.
Find more information about the sandbox from the Kanta pages.
Content in the sandbox environment is updated regularly. For example
new data content as well as new resources and profiles are added
during the approval process.
Find more information regarding updates in Zulip Chat forum in the Finnish PHR stream ’Sandbox status’ topic
This server can be purged and reloaded with fixed
test data without any prior notification.
Data will be deleted from Sandbox regularly on the 1st of March, June, September and December, or the first following working day. The data that will be deleted includes all Patient related resources (e.g. Observation, CarePlan, MedicationAdministration resources) that have been stored in Sandbox more than three months ago.
Find more information about accessibility-statement from Kanta pages.